How Many Jack Stands Do I Need

How Many jack stands do  i need

So you want to buy some jack stands for holding your car but have no clue how many jack stands do I need?

You’re right. This is kind of confusing when you’re deciding between the number of jack stands required for a vehicle.

However, you don’t have to worry anymore since you’ve reached out to this blog. It will help you find the answer and give you a buying guide.

Let’s get started.

How Many Jack Stands Do I Need

The number of jack stands you need depends on the number of wheels you want to be lifted off the ground. Since stands hold the load from the jack points, one stand could support one point at a time. And four of them will hold the four points or tires, meaning all of the cars will stay up in the air.

This can be further explained below.

One Jack Stand

When you have one jack stand, you can install it near one wheel. That means only that part will be supported on the product and all of the remaining car corners will rest on their respective wheels. In this case, only that tire can be removed where the jack stand is installed.

Say, you got a front right flat tire. It needs to be replaced. It can be done with a single jack stand. Just raise the car with a floor jack, and install the stand near the flat tire. And remove the tire. So if you want a stand for this purpose, pick one item then.

However, that will not be enough in most cases. Let’s find out why you need at least 2 and a maximum of 4 jack stands.

Two Jack Stands 

Two stands are more handy than one. They allow you to hold two wheels at a time. Either front, rear, right side, or left side two tires can be supported using two jack stands. They’re handy beyond just changing tires. 

You can creep under the car and carry out any repair you want to. You can change the oil, replace the tires, and brake pads, remove the old oil, and carry out DIY mechanic work. Anything that can be done when you get underneath.

Also, you can rotate tires with the two jack stands. Most of the tasks can be done by having two stands. In fact, the brands sell the product in a pair. This is the reason why they’re handing in most mechanic jobs. 

Related: How to Put a Car on 2 Jack Stands [The Right Way]

Four Jack Stands

While four jack stands are the need for every car owner, having them is better than 2. They are helpful when you want to put your car on four jack stands. With the four tires being raised, you can rotate the tires way easier than with the two stands. 

You need four stands when you want to carry out a heavy mechanic job under the car. When you want to stay underneath for a longer time. It gives you more than enough room than the space provided by one or two stands. 

However, if you don’t have the budget and just do any regular maintenance, you don’t need four stands. The two products are well enough for most of the tasks.


Whether you’re choosing one, two, or four jack stands, you should consider their load capacity and see if they’re fit for your vehicle or not. They have a specific safe bearing capacity, which should not be exceeded. 

Ending Notes

The number of jack stands you need depends on the number of wheels you want to support off the ground. While a single jack stand can support one wheel or point, it is not enough in most cases. Two jack stands are handy as they allow you to hold two wheels at a time and are ideal for tasks such as changing tires or carrying out any repairs that require you to get underneath the car. 

However, four jack stands are the best option as they provide enough room for carrying out heavy mechanic jobs under the car. If you still cannot decide between the two, read out this blog: do you need 2 or 4 jack stands?

It is essential to have the right number of jack stands to ensure your safety while working on your vehicle. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines when using jack stands to avoid any accidents.

If you want to explore some of the best jack stands, click the article.

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